At Oltech, respect for Human Rights is fundamental to the way we manage our business. We support the U.N. Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights which respects and honors the principles of internationally recognized human rights, including:
Those rights expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights (i.e., Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Civil & Political Rights).
Those rights expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights (i.e., Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Civil & Political Rights).
We recognize that it is the sovereign state’s duty to protect against human rights abuses by establishing and upholding appropriate laws and policies. We also recognize that some states do not have adequate legal and regulatory frameworks or enforcement mechanisms or have laws that conflict with these internationally recognized human rights. Wherever this is the case, we are committed to doing the right thing by respecting human rights in every aspect of our business operations. We embrace this commitment and responsibility of ensuring that human rights are upheld all along our end-to-end value chain, which in turn encompasses our stakeholders, particularly our employees, our consumers, the communities where we do business, and our business partners.
Respecting Our Employees
At Oltech, we promote a work environment of confidence and trust. Our Worldwide Business Conduct Manual provides employees with clear guidance on specific situations they may face and directs them where to go when they have questions or concerns. We are committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, secure and productive work environment. One that is free of violence, harassment, intimidation or other unsafe or disruptive behaviors or conditions due to threats inside or outside of our facilities. Each employee has a personal responsibility to their fellow employees and to the Company to follow all Company safety and security procedures, as well as applicable laws and regulations. Our employees hold themselves and one another accountable for operating with trust and integrity, for stepping up as leaders and owners of the business and for competing honestly or fairly with a passion to win.
Respecting Our Consumers
Oltech’s purpose “to provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come” inspires everything we do. This purpose guides our strategic choices, leads to bigger and better innovation, drives brilliant execution, and compels us to operate responsibly and ethically, as we create products and services that improve people’s lives.
Respecting Our Communities
We respect the human rights of all persons in the communities in which we conduct business as well as recognize that we must be responsible for environmental stewardship and using resources wisely. We strive to be socially responsible in the use of Company resources for the long-term benefit of society. Oltech actively supports our employee efforts to make a difference in their local communities.
Commitment To Our Supply Chain
Our Responsible Sourcing Guidelines for External Business Partners establish clear expectations of our direct business partners, including an expectation to respect internationally recognized human rights, comply with all applicable laws and conduct their business ethically and responsibly. We will not knowingly condone or contribute to adverse human rights impacts caused by the actions of our business partners. If we become aware of an adverse impact, we will engage to be part of the solution, including seeking to prevent or mitigate the adverse impact.
Due Diligence, Remediation and Communication
We work to promote sustainable practices, support value creation and assess both actual and potential human rights adverse impacts in our direct operations as well as our supply chain. We strive to implement and improve systems in business relationships across our supply chain in order to mitigate the risk for impacted rights holders. We openly engage with our business partners, social partners, and other stakeholders to identify areas of concern and develop solutions where there are risks of adverse impacts.
Engaging Stakeholders and Human Rights Experts
We acknowledge that respecting human rights is an enormous challenge and progress will be made through a journey of collaboration and engagement with our stakeholders. We seek meaningful consultation with important external stakeholders, including critics and recognized human rights thought leaders. We strive to work cooperatively with governments and civil society organizations to make progress in addressing issues. We seek to understand the nature and context of the evolving human rights journey and how we can make a difference.
Speaking Up
We are committed to creating a work environment that fosters open communication and supports employees in reporting potential violations of Company policies or the law. Employees and individuals in our operations or extended supply chain can report violations at though email at We are committed to reviewing all allegations of wrongdoing and ensure thorough, impartial and fact-based investigations. Retaliation for raising concerns in good faith will not be tolerated.